We can't believe Meredith is almost 2 months old! She loves to sleep on my shoulder and she is always staring at Jesse. She also got a fun sunflower hat from her friends Aaron and Jennifer! My friends Naomi and Jolene came to visit me and Meredith this weekend while Jesse was in Salt Lake watching the Zags. Meredith is already practicing her fundamentals and she is already a Zag fan! Grandpa Jim and Grandma Karan came to visit this weekend. Meredith fits right on Grandpa's legs, she can even stretch out! She has also fallen in love with her bouncer seat. That lets mom check her email! Meredith is one month old and getting more active by the day. We sure would like a full nights rest, you'll notice her favorite spot to sleep is with mom and dad! We have enjoyed visits from ALL of the Grandparents this month.
We welcomed Meredith Ryann Hamilton into our lives on February 4th, 2006 at 12:06pm. I have to say labor and delivery were much better than expected. Jesse was a wonderful coach, I made the poor guy do the dishes before we left! My contractions started at home at 2am, and we went to the hospital at 6am. We were admitted shortly after we arrived and after three pushes we had our little girl. We are totally in love...
I like to sleep with one eye open, sleep in my carseat, sleep in my papasan, sleep in my big crib and on occassion play on my playmat! But mostly I like to sleep...