The Ida-Q made an appearance at Seth and Melissa's rehearsal dinner. Grandpa Hamilton would have loved to see this parked in his driveway!

Not too sure about sitting in the grass...

Poor Jesse and Chris are out numbered by the Hamilton ladies!

So far only Uncle Scott and Emma the dog have been able to get Meredith to belly laugh.

We are thankful it's only 99 degrees today!

Grandpa Gene got to walk his niece down the aisle.

Pretty view from the Sawtooth Winery.

Meredith is pooped from being passed around!

Meredith is up to all sorts of new tricks. She can sit up all by herself now. We are glad someone is actually using the big tub, even if it's Meredith in her ducky. She got too big for her little infant tub. She also likes to eat her toes.

The boys made it home safe and sound after having their floating/fishing trip down Big Creek cut short by a forest fire. I think I see a captain-less boat?

Shadle Park Class of 96' VIPs.

Meredith loves the lake and her Nana!

We spent a lovely day out at Kathie and Mikes house on Long Lake. The York's enjoyed themselves...

Meredith likes the "new" highchair Grandma Karan bought at an antique store. No safety straps on this one!

Meredith and I are just wrapping up a week long visit to Spokane. Meredith had lots of grandparent time, she loves reading magazines with Grandpa Jim and Grandma Karan gives great baths and even warms up Meredith's towel in the dryer...more Spokane pictures to come!

We had a bridal shower for Shannon on Saturday. She looks pretty darn good for one hour of sleep! Jeannette and Fisher got in on the shower action as well. Meredith loves spending time with Shannon, we're so lucky AJ found her!

Meredith likes her new highchair. And she really likes applesauce!

We made our way to Stanely Idaho (the prettiest spot in Idaho!) for the 4th of July wedding of John and Heidi. Despite the rained out reception, we had a wonderful time!

AJ, the gunslinging groomsman

Jeannette, Mugsy and a sleeping Birdie...

A western wedding is not complete without a noose.

While in Stanley for John and Heidi's wedding, we popped over to Sun Valley to say hello to Jesse's aunt Paula. Paula operates the Cosmic Canine Country Club, she has transformed her property into doggy heaven. CCCC comes complete with water features and a pond for the pooches. 27 dogs were staying with Paula when we visited!

We made a trip to the Natatorium for some family swim time. Meredith loves the water, they have a great kiddie pool!

Maybe I'm not feeding Meredith enough?

Pirates of the Payette II was a success! Once again we were the hit of the river. Argggggg.

Real pirates drink wine straight out of the bag.

We got two new IK's this season, so much fun!

Man overboard!

After the mutiny, Andy is NOT a happy pirate.