Sunday, March 09, 2008

March 2008

As you can see, Meredith is more interested in her new bunnies (thanks Nana!) than in announcing the gender of her new sibling...

Happy Easter to all! The Easter fun started last week when we dyed eggs. I'm not sure if 2 year olds and egg dye go together, but we tried. Meredith thought it was great!She liked stiring.

And blowing on the eggs to dry them quicker.

There were tears when it was time to put the eggs in the fridge.

On our way to Easter Mass, after a little egg hunting.

We ran into the Marks at St. Johns. After being still for an hour, they needed to jump.

And be scary!

An after nap treat.

Mmmmm, sprinkles.

It's hard to get all these kids looking the same direction at once! We had our friends over for a little egg hunt. Per the norm, the weather wasn't quite what Larry Gebert predicted. We had to dress a little warmer for outdoor egg hunting.

Morgan was a good hunter.

Kirstin made great bunny cupcakes...look, more treats!

Aiden liked them A LOT.

And so did the big kids! And the moms and dads as well, along with some yummy strawberry shortcake. I really need to take some pictures of the people that take care of these munchkins.

Baby List Update

Greg and Megan Belzer - April
Mike and Danielle Dahlberg - May

Beau and Alicia Reinhard - May
Seth and Melissa Merriman - June
Kelly and Mike Stevens - July

Kirstin and Jeremy Bordner - August
Ryan and Lisha Jacoy - August (Triplets)
Heather and Ryan Skene - October
Brett and Melissa Porter - October (Twins)
Sadie and Aaron Lake - October
Couple-to-be-named-later - November

Meredith is in her third week of swimming lessons. She takes lessons from Dotty at Bronco Elite three days a week for ten minutes. Yes, ten minutes. Dotty teaches the the IRS method which is pretty much, drop em' in and let em' go. Seems to be working! We want to be prepared in case someone tumbles off the dock or the boat.

What we did on a rainy Tuesday afternoon:

Meredith did not wear pants

We played an old favorite - drop the clothespin in the wine carafe

Made sugar cookies with sprinkles

Made yummy meatloaf from Deceptively Delicious (thanks Sara!)

Ate pineapple and popcorn

Sang "It's raining it's pouring" a zillion times

Somehow 21 weeks have come and gone, this baby is half-way baked! We find out the gender next Thursday, stay tuned.
Feeling large...
At 20 weeks with Meredith
Don't come to Boise if you don't want to get pregnant, seriously.

Our friends and cabinmates told us today that they are expecting TWINS in October!

Here is the latest rundown of people we know having babies in 2008:

Greg and Megan Belzer - April

Seth and Melissa Merriman - June

Kelly and Mike Stevens - July

Kirstin and Jeremy Bordner - August

Ryan and Lisha Jacoy - August (Triplets)

Heather and Ryan Skene - October

Brett and Melissa Porter - October (Twins)

Sadie and Aaron Lake - October

Couple-to-be-named-later - November

Sorry to anyone I forgot, I can't keep track!

Happy St. Patricks Day from Meredith! Thanks Grandma KK for the cute shamrock bows.

It's still snowing in McCall! 18 more inches last week. Jesse went skiing while Meredith and I played at the cabin. We are having to have a contractor fix the master bathroom as the skylight started leaking with all the snow. Hopefully that is the least of our problems this winter.

Meredith is really into singing, especially "It's Raining, It's Pouring". She CAN count to 10, she got a little distracted. And she's found a couple new best friends in Tucker and Ruby. Thankfully they are really gentle with her.

This could be the solution to all my scrapbooking issues. I don't scrapbook, I just can't. Way too much time involved. However, I love having all our photos in one place. Thanks to my mom I have lots of great scrapbooks that I just paste our pictures in to. Anyway, baby #2 might be getting one of these babies from Distinctive Albums. Brilliant I say!

With all the changes that are going to happen in the Hamilton household, we thought it best to get started on our "Meredith to-do" list. First up is moving from the crib to the big girl bed. She was perfectly happy until she saw her crib being take apart. She told me that the new baby can sleep in the bassinet but NOT in her crib. She got over it pretty quick when she saw we were actually moving the big bed into her room. She also had a moment of panic when she thought that maybe her binkies went with the crib. A semi-sweet day for me, she's growing up too fast.

One last after nap romp in the crib.
Trying out the new bed.

Next up: Bye Bye Binkies and Diapers. A much harder challenge.

The new house is sort of a sore subject for me right now, but here are a couple of pictures. It doesn't look like much now but we think it's going to turn out great. There will be dormers on either side of the second level and a huge front porch. There also will not be a bay window, that is going away. We were hoping to have the porch up this week but we've hit a snag with the Historic District. Cross your fingers for us...

Well Blogger is currently have some techinal issues so pictures will have to wait until tomorrow. No posts as of late as we have been super busy the last few weeks. Jesse was off skiing with 10 buddies last weekend and this weekend we spent party hopping and doing "house" stuff. New house stuff and old house stuff. I had no idea there were so many door knobs to choose from...

New pictures coming soon!

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