Monday, April 06, 2009

April 09 -Week 1 Part II

I'm shocked that John and Jesse remembered to take pictures last weekend. It sounds like they had a super time with the kids in McCall. Fisher plays HARD, he is fast and furious and I think Meredith had a hard time keeping up. She was so overheated on Saturday night that she threw up all over John. Sorry John! He is such a good Dad he didn't even gag. Meredith also randomly threw up at dinner last night, I really just think she was soooo tired she couldn't handle it!
Skiing at Brundage
I just knew if Meredith saw Fisher skiing she wouldn't throw a fit. She made 6 runs with no complaints! I think the weather helped.
Easy Street
Trying to keep up with Fisher man.
The Dads didn't rest for a second. Ice skating, skiing, swimming...they did it all!
Good buddies

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