Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of First Grade

Wow, that went fast.  I swear we were just heading out for the last day of Kindergarten.
Everyone was excited for the first day of first grade.  Quinn and Delaney were up extra early right along with Meredith (oh joy).  They were all dressed and ready to walk to school right on time.
 Thanks for the new backpack KK and Papa Jim.
 Meredith kept asking Quinn and Delaney if they were going to miss her during the day.
I actually think they really did!  I know I did (sniff sniff).
Delaney was ready to go in her gymnastics leotard.  She tumbled so hard she voluntarily took a nap today.  Win!
 Saying goodbye for the whole tears for either of us!
 Thanks for joining the entourage Grammie Dana!
 Back with her buddies Sofia and Ruby, heading into Mrs. Greenwoods classroom.
I think it's going to be a great year for Miss Meredith!  Although I'm already hearing complaints about my lunches...

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