Monday, July 07, 2008

July 2008

Karen sent out some great pictures from POPIV. This one of Jeremy in a bikini top and Kirstins snakeskin pants is my favorite. I can't wait to try the Poop Shoot next year! Check out all the pictures HERE.

Another hot weekend in Boise *sigh*. We were tempted to head to McCall but got the big N-O from our OB at our last appointment. Currently 2cm dilated and 80% effaced. Could be tomorrow or it could be 2 weeks from now! So, we opted for some Lucky Peak time on Friday and Saturday. The Kearneys were camping close to town so we hauled the boat up to cool off. Morgan and Meredith loved tubing as usual, their Dads did as well.

Morgan being goofy.
Ryder and Meredith were cracking themselves up over something? We never really did figure out what it was...weird kid stuff I guess.
My mom sent me her pictures from their last visit in July. There are some cute ones if anyone is interested, check them out HERE.

We have had a busy week, so far the highlight is the Lyle Lovett concert we went to last night with our good friends. It was at the Botanical Gardens very close to our current house and our new house. Next year we'll ride our bikes! My camera got confiscated as being too professional so if you want to see pictures check us out over at the Skene Family Blog!

A late entry into the weekend picture party. We had Sunday dinner at Papa Gene and Grandma Danas house, it was a scorcher. Thankfully they had the pool ready for Meredith and the mister ready for me! Our Sunday dinners are becoming a tradition which will get even easier when we live across the street (in 2 months!).

No need for clothes in the summer really. You'll notice the ankles aren't too swollen yet!
37.5 weeks. I think Meredith will be happy to have my lap back to sit on, not sure how she'll feel about sharing it however.

Pirates of the Payette was serious business this year. We have t-shirts to prove it.

Winding down another fun summer weekend. It was the 4th Annual Pirates of the Payette adventure on Saturday. Due to well our due dates, some of us ladies couldn't quite make the trip down the rapids. We opted for some boat and beach time with the kids. Sarah, Kirstin, Heather and I loaded up the kiddos and headed to Lucky Peak while the rest of the gang hit the Payette.

Aidens eating habits are quite refined.

Picnic on the dock for the kids.

This picture contains a LOT of skin and about 25 months of baby belly. Heather has some catching up to do, and we missed Marjorie who opted for cooler weather in Stanley.
Back in Boise for a BBQ at the Kearneys. Everyone having a drink break after much jumping in the bouncy house.
Getting late, might be time for bed.

Yep, time for me to go home!
The Nevalas and Andersons
Decker and Jessica joined the rafters for the 1st time. Jennifer, Ryan S. and Ryan K. are old seasoned pirates.

It's a sad day when Grandma KK leaves us. As we drove away from the airport Meredith said "Maybe KK will open her window and wave at us." We'll just have to look forward to her next visit whenever the new baby arrives.

The hit of the weekend was the $2 kite. It's always windy at our house on the hill.
Me in my mumu (which I may wear everyday from here on out) at 36 weeks. The homestretch!

Grandma KK is in town to keep me company while Jesse is away for the weekend. We always do lots of fun things (ie. eat a lot) when KK comes to town. We love her visits! This Lily Janes cupcake kept Meredith awake until almost 10:30pm one night. We won't be doing that again...

Of course we made a visit to the Saturday Market. Meredith was inspired by Ryder to attempt a fountain run-through. Her first successful attempt. Thankfully I had an extra set of clothes.
Who needs swimsuits? We hope they aren't still streaking downtown Boise in 16 years.
Lemonade and breadsticks on the curb in outfit #2.
Now - a house update! I've been waiting until all the workers were gone to go in and take some photos. I didn't have my camera set right so some of the pics are blurry. The interior trim is almost done, I love it! Here is the sample door, not quite competed, but you get the idea.

The nursery as it shall be known is going to be great. Imagine the wainscotting painted white. There is a little built in desk on the right that might be a perfect changing table.
Nursery windows overlooking Bannock Street.
Meredith picked this room for her own. It also has a nice big desk and wainscotting.
I'm really looking forward to our upstairs washer/dryer which will live in the girls bathroom.
The "trim guy" is so organized. I kind of love him, he works on Saturdays!

Master bedroom doors
Meredith is going to be sad when the stucco sand pile is gone.
I will not be sad however.
The porch is finally fixed. Now, I'm hoping the trim work will make it look great.

What a great way to start the month of July - at the lake! On July 1st we headed up to McCall for five whole days of fun at the cabin. We finally found a tube that fit all my specifications and we love it. Maybe by the end of the summer Meredith will let us go more than 5mph.

Seriously plush compared to the old Delta Double which Naomi and I still have scars from. No bloody nuckles on this tube! Next summer Naomi - it's on...
Our friends the Howells were staying just down the beach which was great. 5 year old Jackson was so brave and attempted wake surfing with his dad. Last year it was throwing rocks, this year it's jumping off the dock!
Our neighbors have twin great-grand-children from Sacramento who are in McCall for the month of July. They are so much fun (and their parents too!). The Bordners joined us on the 4th. See how much use the tube got?
First sparklers for Ryder and Meredith
Setting up camp on our lawn for the big fireworks show.
Waiting, and waiting...
Ryder says the fireworks are a go.
Waiting so patiently for fireworks

If you didn't know, Kirstin is famous. Check her out here. And if you don't have a BOB, get one, they are the best.
We broke out the firepit and the smore's.

FINALLY it's dark. The fireworks were excellent, Meredith loved it. I on the other hand just wanted to go to bed.
A real life revival. A local church was baptising people in the lake.
Our husbands made us do this. Who will have their little girl first? I'm putting my money on Payton Bordner making her appearance before Baby Hamilton.
Aaron, Jennifer and Alex Mann were also in McCall for the weekend and stopped by for a visit. Picnic time on the lawn, nothing like sandy hotdogs.

Meredith is obsessed with babies. She was feeding Alex Mann everything in sight. He's not so sure about it...although he did love the Pirates Booty.

John and Jackson Howell + Meredith. I think Ashley was in there too somewhere...
When we aren't looking, Meredith likes to take her suit off.
Meredith is perfecting her double thumbs up. Notice the super safe life jacket with the broken buckles. We are awesome parents.
Barbi fishing poles DO work!

We had a super fun Holiday and can't wait to get back up to McCall. It was fairly bittersweet as we are most likely Boise bound until this baby decides to arrive. The boat is back in Boise so we can take some evening cruises on Lucky Peak, and get some more tubing time in. Perhaps a good way to get labor started?

Before we left on the 1st...

More fun with Aunt Kortney and Uncle Chris. Just in time for the 100+ weather!

Racing Uncle Chris in her undies...
A special treat since I get sick on the carousel!

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