It was a Holiday extravaganza weekend for the Hamiltons! I'm too tired to rearrange these photos into chronilogical order but you'll get the idea. Our weekend was jam packed with fun Christmas traditions, old and new!
Sarah Kearney and I took our 'big' girls to see the Nutcracker. They did such a good job and I think they really enjoyed all the tutus! Could I have a dancer in the making? Odds are one of my 3 girls might follow in my footsteps...

Sarah and Morgan

Me and my sweet Meredith

We'll back up to Saturday when we had our 2nd annual Gingerbread House Party. 8 'big' kids, 8 homemade houses and a ton of candy made for a great party. The lovely snow that fell all day made it a winter wonderland.

Meredith and Morgan

Ryder (getting so grown up!)

Aiden the candy-freak. A boy after my own heart!

Ashley tried to cover every inch

Thankfully Sara brought Sam some chocolate balls to go on his house. How could I forget to have balls for Sam?

After decorating the kids got ready for a special guest to arrive...

Isla caught the first glimps.

Santa arrived with presents in tow.

The best is that we have a new generation of criers. Payton was first up. Not a fan.

Aiden just wanted to stand closeby

Meredith was no scardy

Delaney...not so brave.

Sam had no fear but Eli was having none of it

Fisher and Finn are brave boys!

And the bravest girl of all was Morgan who has overcome her fear of Santa! But don't expect her to cozy up to the Boise Hawk, his feet are too scary.

It was so fun to see all the older kids really getting into decorating. Serious business! The little ones were all about the set of toy eggs Eli got from Santa. So fun to see them all moving and scooting!
Pub Crawl Sneak-PeekInstead of having one poor set of friends host a huge Holiday shindig we decided to take the party to the streets. Thus the 1st Annual Holiday Pub Crawl. Good idea? Yes!
I didn't bring my 'paparazzi' camera with me so I'm relying on everyone elses photos. I'm guessing everyone is a bit 'slow' today so I haven't seen many pics of the debauchery but they are sure to come. But for now here is a little glimps of last particular our dear friend Ryan whom I love to torture by posting awesome photos of him on our blog.
Looking quite lovely in a ladies mockneck and sweater vest. Courtesy of the Hefner-Glavins. Don't mind Jesse. I guess I'm just used to him kissing Ryan.

We decided the sweater was from Lamonts, poor quality.

Ryans awesomeness.

We love you Ryan!
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