Monday, November 03, 2014

Halloween and Stuff

I had to mentally prepare for the week of Halloween.  I knew it was going to be super busy.  School parties, parent/teacher conferences, major trick or treating etc...we survived!
Delaney and her friend Andrea at the Kindergarten party.
Sadly I didn't get many pictures of any of our parties because I was busy helping with crafts and snacks and wrangling children.
Results of the Halloween 5K.  So proud of Meredith

 Roosevelt parade on Tuesday before Halloween. Early because the kids had W/Th/F off last week.  Lucky teachers.
 We ventured back to Emmett to pick apples.
Too late for the good varieties but we managed!
The kids had a ball and wore themselves out playing hide and seek.


 Next up with the truck or treat party at Boise Dance Alliance.
The kids had a great time testing out their costumes.
Brave Little Witch

 My only picture from Halloween at the creepy house down the street.
 I know this is a rated G blog but I have to remember this night.
Kate and I won the costume contest at the Hopstads pray for snow party.
Hot tub and Larry Gebert are sure winners!

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