Sunday, June 07, 2009

June 2009 - Week 1

I have to post a picture of my new stools. I've been stalking these stools from The Sundance Catalog for a while, I have yet to see any on ebay or Craigs list. I was negotiating with Jesse to sell one of his horses (good idea Naomi!) so I could justify spending the money on them. On a whim I called the Sundance outlet store in Salt Lake. Low and behold they had 4 stools, for $60 each. They wouldn't hold them or ship them for me but thanks to Facebook the word got out that I needed help. A huge thanks to Sadie and Hannah Venn for picking these up and driving them to Boise for me! I love them, although Meredith claims they make her bum hurt and are too cold, I tell her good taste comes at a price. Also I'm not liking how yellow my walls look. Maybe it's time to paint...already.

Rain, rain go away! Seriously, we're ready for some steady sun around here. We spent the weekend in rainy McCall which was fun but we're all in need for some beach time and Jesse is chomping at the bit to get his boat in the water. We did manage to get in a 'nature walk' as we like to call them. More like a sloooow stroll through the woods with Meredith who likes to stop and look at every pinecone and flower.

Delaney luuuuvs her Daddy. He is so good to the girls, they really adore him. So do I.
I also really like Jesses (bon)fire building skills. We were just needing a little flame for smores, but we got a raging fire instead. Then it started pouring so we used the woodfire place inside. Just not the same! You'll notice NO one was out and about this weekend. Hardly any boats in the water yet. I did see one hearty soul waterskiing!
Next up: A visit from Nana and Papa Mike and Mom goes to Seattle ALONE!

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